The Best of the Briscoe Brothers
Volume 1

One of the most intriguing stories in wrestling today is the progress of two high school kids from Laurel, Delaware. The Briscoe Brothers have had the advantage that many great wrestlers in Calgary and Mexico have had and that is starting at a young age. If they continue to progress at their current rate, they could easily be stars in the WWF one-day.

The Briscoe Brothers
Spanish Announce Team

Most of the problems I have in this match are with SAT and Dew. Maybe it is just the fact that I just watched a ton of footage of Jim Cornette managing the Midnight Express, but what is the sense of having managers who are barely involved in the match? If the story is that the Briscoe Brothers reluctantly have the Dew in their corner as their manager, Dew needed to do more, to be more of an ass, to make the fans despise him, such a working the crowd and more cheating spots to build heat for the eventual turn.

SAT are awfully impressive with their aerial dives, but they weren't particularly sharp in this match. The problems started early with a sloppy drop toe hold and later on failing to slow down the momentum of Briscoe who was doing a dive on SAT who landed right in between unprotected. Those are the mistakes that happen though when wrestling the high flying style and even Liger himself has left a man unprotected.

Overall, pretty disappointing for their only one on one meeting.

The Briscoe Brothers
Eddie Valentine & Jon Dahmer

The Briscoe Brothers seem to work better against bigger men which would make sense considering the majority of their opponents to date have been bigger either in height or girth. The match starts out with some really good double team moves, they need to get their timing down to hit them precisely in unison but they were quite crisp. That is something that they would learn in OVW/HWA if the WWF gave them a developmental deal. Valentine & Dahmer made the Briscoe Brothers look like a million bucks in this match with the way they sold their offense. Solid match.

The Briscoe Brothers
Nick Berk & Justice Pain

The match starts off with some really good fundamental chain wrestling by Jay Briscoe and Nick Berk. Jim Ross likes that. It is refreshing to see people work over an arm in this day and age. Both teams used sound tag team philosophy keeping their opponents in their corner and making controlled tags in and out. The main thing missing in all of the matches so far are hot tags in and out. This was the most technically sound match so far but was marred by the near death of Justice Pain after missed double jump that resulted in a nasty spill on the floor. It is a shame because it was the only major blemish on a match that was quite good overall.

Mark Briscoe
Nick Berk

This match featured some really good series of rolling Northern Light suplexes, by Mark Briscoe, which was followed up by a sweet brainbuster. The Briscoe Brothers need to incorporate more suplexes into their matches because they seem to have a knack for them. This was a flashback back to WCWSN and the Cole Twins as they switched in and out of the ring when the ref wasn't looking. The match showed that the Briscoes Brothers could work a story into their match, which they didn't really have the opportunity to do in the other matches on this tape.

The Briscoe Brothers
Dixie & Insane Dragon

I've never seen ECW Arena never look so completely empty and I watched ECW from the Eastern Championship Wrestling days. But as small as the crowd was, the crowd was still very lively. Being an older fan, it takes a lot to impress me but this match did. Insane Dragon & Dixie seem to have a natural chemistry with the Briscoe Brothers. While most people will leave this match mainly remembering the insane dives, this match had a lot of little things. I will remember like Dixie's moving out barely out of the way of a dropkick, Insane Dragon's bridge on the belly to back suplex, and a extremely well built hot tag that was missing in other matches on this tape. Insane Dragon moves very well in the ring and when he takes the air, he is as good as any other Northeast indy worker I've seen. These guys should tone down their work some to extend their careers, because they are good workers for their age and don't need to do as much as they did in this match. This tape is worth it for this match alone.

The Briscoe Brothers
Jeff Rocker & Doomsday Danny Rose

I'm not sure why this match is on the tape. The Briscoe Brothers do a really good double Japanese armdrag on the bulky Jeff Rocker in this match. Thankfully, this match is kept short.

The Briscoe Brothers
Dixie & Insane Dragon

Not as good as the ECW Arena match, but still fun. The highlight of the match is the early work between Mark Briscoe and Insane Dragon early in the match. Dixie is really impressive here throws one hell of a dropkick and knows how to properly follow up a hot tag. I could easily see a comp tape of these two tag teams matches being put together two years down the line.

It was a good tape overall, but I know that their future best of tapes will be much better because they will be making progress with each match, if they keep their willingness to learn. The Briscoe Brothers have a bright future.

Next month, I will have a detailed review of the Freebirds com. tape in memory of Terry Gordy and a new OVW report card updating the progress of the WWF talent.

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